Have you ever done something in your life and thought...wow
how am I going to do that$%:
It seems impossible yet somehow your desire and
focus was so strong that you ended up achieving
whatever you set out to do. And why do other things seem
impossible to achieve, especially losing weight you have the
best of intentions but somehow every time you start you seem to slip
back into your old ways...why do you think that is$%:
It has everything to do with how your mind is programmed and
if you don't have the right "brain software" then you will keep
continuing to do the same thing.
The definition of insanity as we have heard it "Is doing the
same thing over and over again and expecting a different result"
Do you really think a certain diet will keep you focused..absolutely not
Everything we do in life is mental...and if you program your
mind for success whether it be weight loss or a new job you
will see exactly how it works.
So why aren't more women catching on to this$%: Well, simply society
has taught us to think differently. Really, it's very negative as obesity
is on the rise do you really think we need the next big diet to come
along to save us$%:
No, what we need is take out the negative or what I like to call
"lack programming" and start shifting our minds into the reality of what we want.
I don't care how old you are, it's never too late to get into shape and
feel great about yourself. You just need the right program for your
mind and the right program. You would be amazed if you realized that
it's really not hard to change your old ways if you are receptive to changing
your mind to get the body and health that you want.
A simple technique I teach is using affirmations this helps women stay
focused. Now, it goes beyond just reading for it to work. You need to really
feel it. Write down what you want to feel. For example "I only eat healthy foods"
would be something positive that you are intending for yourself. Saying this and
feeling it everyday will start the process to develop a mind that is consciously fit,
therefore your body will follow.
There are so many programs out there for weight loss and they
might make you lose weight but how many can keep the weight off$%:
Our minds create everything in our reality so if you are looking at yourself
in the mirror and don't like what you see realize that you do have the power
to change that and in order to see the physical changes you need to start with
the mind first.